Logo for the Omnibus Promotion of Olympic and Paralympic Activities Was Decided!

The Office for the Promotion of Olympic and Paralympic Activities decided the logo for the omnibus activities that promoting the Olympic and Paralympic Games of University of Tsukuba. The design will appear in order to spread the image of the university’s activities regarding the Olympic and Paralympic Games with a sense of our unity.The author of the design is Mr. Takuto OKAMOTO, Faculty of Art and Design, Second year University student.
Explanation of the Work
Concept of this artwork is “Interaction and joint development”. This design is visualizing the status of five circles changing their forms and make one image with sticking to each other like bubbles
Dr. Kei OHTA, Office Member of OPOP; Dean for Faculty of Art and Design; Executive Officer
This artwork is chosen as the final entry, from the 22 competition entries at the OPOP meeting. Every artwork includes the author’s enthusiasm, so it was hard but fun to see and choose one artwork. We are attracted by this artwork because “bubble” is set as its image source. Furthermore, we are expecting its advanced use because the image can be used in black and white too. This logo will be used broadly as spreading the activities regarding the Olympic and Paralympic Games. We are sure that this design will be popular with many people.
To visit the website of Mr. Takuto OKAMOTO, the author of the logo, please click HERE!