
The Achievements on the Olympic and Paralympic Games of the University of Tsukuba
: Its History, Education, and Athletes

Research and education


“Reborn Art Ball Exhibition” was Held


“Reborn Art Ball Exhibition” was held at University of Tsukuba (UT) 30th Anniversary Hall on 14 to 22 Jun, 2017. The exhibition was organised by Prof. Kei OTA, a member of the OPOP. Balls no longer used at the UT or old balls filled with personal memories were gathered. The students and teachers of faculty of art and design, and people from all over the country “reborn” the ball with the power of art and breathe new life into them.

The Olympic Games are sports festivals as well as art festivals. Through this exhibition, the ball that has become exhausted and unusable has been reborn as an art that expresses “relationship between art and sports” with the free thought of the artists.

Promotion project for Cultural Programme by Ibaraki Prefecture gave the Excellence Award to this exhibition.
