“The Sports and Liberal Arts Seminar 2019” was held
The Sports and Liberal Arts Seminar was held this year again on 30th November and 1st December.
About the seminar
This seminar was organized by 7 universities (Kanda University of International Studies, Keio University, Sophia University, University of Tsukuba, The University of Tokyo, Rikkyo University, Waseda University).
We aim to develop educators who can think about education in the fields of society, humanity, and natural science, and can play an active role in the global society.
When and Where
【Day 1】
30th November, 2019
The University of Tokyo (Komaba campas)
【Day 2】
1st December, 2019
University of Tsukuba (Junior and Seminor High School at Otsuka)
Who participated
Students of the 7 universities
Admission fee
3,000 yen (2 days / tax included)
Scenes from the seminar
- Mr. Hokuto SATO / Special Needs Education School for the Visually Impaired, University of Tsukuba
- The lecture of “How to Support the Visually Impaired and Introduction of Guide Runners”
- Ms. Izumi EGAMI / University of Tsukuba
- The lecture of “Omotenashi at International Sporting Events”
- Mr. Satoshi SHIMIZU / University of Tuskuba
- Presentation of Certificates
- Group Photo