
The Achievements on the Olympic and Paralympic Games of the University of Tsukuba
: Its History, Education, and Athletes

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University of Tsukuba was Commissioned to Develop Student Volunteers for National Sports Festival for Disabled 2019


On 31 January 2018, a commission letter delivery ceremony was held at Ibaraki Prefectural Government Office (Kencho). The letter was delivered to 17 schools in Ibaraki Prefecture, including University of Tsukuba, as a cooperative school to develop their students as support volunteers for the team at National Sports Festival for Disabled 2019.
Prof. Hiroya IGARASHI (Executive Officer for DAC Center) attended the ceremony from University of Tsukuba.


To realize the inclusive society that respects each individual, University of Tsukuba will work on giving the opportunity for as many as one student of the university to learn and think about inclusive society. Volunteering at the sport festival will be one of the opportunity for the students to think about it.


What is the Support Volunteers for the Team?

Volunteers who support athletes during the tournament, while deepening exchanges with athletes by taking action with them. For example, volunteers support guidance when players move, and watch the game and cheer for the players, are considered as activity contents.


What is National Sports Festival for Disabled 2019?

The biggest national sport festival for disabled in Japan. The festival will be held from 12 to 14 October 2019 in Ibaraki Prefecture.
In the festival, disabled athletes can enjoy sports through competition, non-athlete people can deepen their understanding of disability. The aim of the festival is to promote social participation of people with disabilities through peoples’ exchanges.
6 individual-competitions, 7 group-competitions, and some open-competitions will be held; and about 5,500 people (3,500 for athletes and 2,000 for officers/staffs) will be gathered in Tsukuba from all over Japan to attend the festival.


What events will be held in Tsukuba?

  • Archery at Kukizaki Sports Park (茎崎運動公園)
  • Wheelchair basketball at Tsukuba Capio (つくばカピオ)
  • Hand Archery at Tokodai Gym (東光台体育館)
