“The Meeting for Exchange through Sports and Symposium” was held

“The Meeting for Exchange through Sports and Symposium”, the event organised by Education Bureau of the Laboratory Schools, was held at Junior High/ Senior High School at Otsuka, University of Tsukuba on 10 December 2017.
This meeting aims for not only foster and raise consciousness for the inclusive society, but also disseminate the significance of the inclusive society through three events; (1) listen to a lecture by a Paralympic athlete, (2) held a symposium based on students’ experiences beyond disabilities (i.e. short trip at Kurohime-kogen and short-term study abroad to Czech Republic) and (3) exchange via para-sports.
Students belong to laboratory schools of University of Tsukuba and general participants enjoy, think, and talk together, regarding the inclusive society.
The Events Held
(A) Lecture
“Challenge towards the year 2020” by Ms. Mami TANI (nee: SATO), Para-athlete
She used to be a para-athlete for Long Jump who played an active part in three Paralympic Games, Athene 2008, London 2012, and Rio 2016. She gave a presentation to invite the Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020, and the speech included her own experiences moved the audience deeply. She is now active in Paratriathlon.
(B) Symposium
“To live with various people -through the experience of (1) short trip at Kurohime-kogen and (2) short-term study abroad to Czech Republic-” by Students of Laboratory Schools of University of Tsukuba
(C) Para-sports Exchange